Computers, Internet, and Wireless Access

The library offers ten computer workstations providing free high speed access to the Internet as well as standard office software applications.

Individuals wishing to use public computers must complete an  Acceptable Use Form and the sign in using cards provided.    Individuals may sign up for one 30-minute time per day and may extend their time IF  no one is waiting.  If all computers are in use individuals must wait until notified by a staff member.

There are two computers located in the Children’s Area and are for use by children 13 and under,  or a Parent supervising their child. 
Click link to read the Computer and Internet Use Policy.

Secure wireless internet connections are also available and the password can be obtained at the Circulation desk.  Wireless users  are responsible for their own connection to our network, and must abide by the library’s acceptable use policy.  Printing is available but requires an IP address and addition of a port. Users must have the technical expertise install a printer after receiving the IP Address at the desk.  Library staff are not available for technical support.  

Parents and caregivers be advised the library does not use filters. The library strongly urges parents to monitor their child’s use of the internet.